Learn English – Opposite saying/word for “have patience”


What would the opposite word or short phrase be for "be patient"/"have patience"?

Say some friends and I are getting ready to go out for the evening, and we are all ready but one friend is still just lollygagging around and taking their time, not really in a rush. We ask them to hurry up and they reply "come on guys have patience."

We had been patient and gave say ten minutes before asking to hurry up…So we were patiently waiting but it's now past that point (if that makes sense).

What would a proper reply be? "Could you be a little more _____"? Or "we have been patiently waiting, could you learn to be a little more _____"?

Random words I think of but aren't quite right are "attentive", "punctual", obviously not "impatient" (although it's along that thought line)…

If I can clarify any more please let me know!

Edit: To clarify, like saying "have patience" implies something I lack as a trait, I'm looking for something that would mean the same for someone who always takes their time.

Best Answer

The opposite admonition to "be patient" is

be respectful of others' time

If you want to express this slightly less strongly:

be considerate of others

considerate: 1. Having or showing regard for the needs or feelings of others

(American Heritage Dictionary)

Your sentence:

"Could you be a little more considerate / respectful?"

Here is a resource for you: http://www.wikihow.com/Be-Respectful.


If you want some natural ways to ask someone to hurry up, here are a few. The top of the list is super-polite, and they gradually descend in politeness and become more informal.

Could you please:

proceed immediately to the door

finish up [in there] without delay

make your preparations as quickly as you can

finish getting ready as soon as possible

do what you need to do [so we can get out of here]

not keep us waiting [any longer]

hurry [it] up

move a little faster

speed it up [in there / over there]

get a move on / get moving

step on it / step on the gas