Learn English – Order of multiple adverbs


1) Нe went upstairs quietly last night.

2) Нe quietly went upstairs last night.

What version is right? I can't find information about this issue.

Best Answer

I don't think there is any theory that accounts successfully for adverb placement in English. McCawley gives a pretty straightforward theory in The Syntactic Phenomena of English. It goes like this. Adverbs are modifiers, and the natural places for modifiers are prefixed to what they modify or suffixed to what they modify. "Quietly", like other manner adverbs, modifies V' (or, what are also called VP).

The basic constituent structure of your example is

[S he [V' went upstairs ] ]

and "last night", being a time adverbial, is either a V' modifier or an S modifier, so if it's a V' modifier, we have:

[S he [V' [V' went upstairs ] last night ] ]

and so we'd predict 4 possible positions for "quietly", before and after the two V's in this structure, which I'll number:

[S he (1) [V' (2) [V' went upstairs ] (3) last night ] (4) ]

For this particular example, the theory works pretty well, except that there are a couple of other places the "quietly" could go.

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