Learn English – Origin of “smooth operator”


I'm interested in the origin of the term smooth operator. Does anyone know where it came from? What kind of operation?

Best Answer

The word operator has had several slang meanings over time, according to the Oxford English Dictionary. A brief list of the time and definition of operator is:

1598: A person who performs a surgical operation or operations; an operating surgeon or dentist.

1611: A person who deals in quack medicines, etc. Obs.

1704: A person who commits fraudulent operations; a thief, a pickpocket.

1828: A person who carries on (speculative) financial operations. Also: a person adept at speculative or shrewd operations; (formerly) a person who acts in a cunning or underhand manner.

1838: A person who or company which runs a business, enterprise, etc.

1944: A person with a talent for seduction; a smooth talker.

The phrase smooth operator starts to appear in the late 1890s. For example, in "The Strange Schemes of Randolph Mason", it says:

Here, a smooth operator is someone who is "smooth" at running a business or set of financial operations (the senses from the earlier 1800s). This is not the only application of smooth operator. In the 1980s, the OED notes the following usage:

1980 Photo-Love Summer Spectacular 7/1 You're quite a smooth operator, what with names and telephone numbers just like that!

The "operation" has changed over time. In the 1700 and 1800s, the "operation" was financial--it referred to either theft operations, speculating on stocks (operate as a verb meant "To deal or speculate in stocks or shares; to buy and sell commodities as a broker"), or business operations. Then, in the 1900s, the "operations" referred to the "business" of playing at courtship and seducing women.

Thus, now a smooth operator can refer to the "business" of financial operations or seduction operations, with smooth modifying operator in a primarily (and possibly solely) negative way.