Learn English – origin of the expression “all over him/her like a cheap coat/suit”


I would like to know what is the origin of the expression "all over him/her like a cheap coat/suit". I Googled for it but didn't find any relevant entry. Anyone?

Best Answer

I think it's mainly a BrE expression--a variant is all over him like a rash--commonly used to denote the excessive attention one person gives to another, usually when they've only just met, as a result of a sudden sexual attraction. I suppose it could be used about either sex, but I've only heard it used about a female in pursuit of a male. And the suit metaphor makes it tend that way in any case. Why it should be a "cheap suit" is less obvious, but one characteristic of an expensive suit is that you don't notice you're wearing it. If it's cheap, it's likely to be ill-fitting, made of abrasive material, and continually making its presence felt.