Learn English – patronize vs condescend


What's the difference?

He is patronizing me.

He is condescending to me.

Almost the same meaning? Or a little bit different.

A friend of mine helped me get out of a difficult situation. Since then, he often says to me, "Don't forget my help", and "You should be grateful for my help." In this case, can I use the above two sentences interchangeably?

Best Answer

You are right in that both have a similar meaning, with a small difference; being condescending has a greater emphasis on the superiority of the person.

For example, a friend explaining the meaning of a word to you in a good-natured way, when you feel they should have assumed that you know the meaning yourself would make you feel patronised.

If on the other hand a friend explained the meaning of a word to you, and added "I wouldn't expect someone on your level to know that anyway", that would be incredibly condescending.

In your particular case, condescending would be closest but I wouldn't actually use either word. I would go for something like ungracious, impolite or rude.