Learn English – pejorative/offensive slang word or phrase for a man who suffers from erectile dysfunction


Erectile Dysfunction is defined as the consistent or recurrent inability to acquire or sustain an erection of sufficient rigidity and duration for sexual intercourse.

Clinic 45

I'm a non-native speaker of English and in my mother tongue there are a few pejorative terms for a man who suffers from erectile dysfunction. Is there any in English?

  • I'm not looking for lists.
  • I'm not looking for the word "impotent" as it isn't pejorative.
  • Please mention in which English speaking country people use it.
  • People who use such word/phrase usually intend to belittle or offend.

Best Answer

Limp-dick (or limp dick) is the most common slang term. (at least in US English)

noun An ineffectual man; an impotent man; wimp (1970s+)


There are a lot of entries in Urbandictionary also.