Learn English – “Periodically” – How to Use This


So, I happen to be in the process of creating this research paper about a historic figure; I had used Google to search for a synonym of occasionally, and one of the words I stumbled across was “periodically”. Now, don’t get me wrong – I have heard of this word many times in the past; however, I have never known it to be used in the place of a word such as the former mentioned. Up until this point, I’ve only ever really used it in the denotation of “a regular occurrence”.

For that reason, I decided to genuinely find its listed definition – and, as it turns out, this word is a complete paradox. It simultaneously means two entirely different things – they do nothing less than completely contradict each other.

periodically | ˌpirē'ädək(ə)lē |


  • from time to time; occasionally: I will periodically check on your progress | the students received help from a friend only periodically.

  • at regularly occurring intervals: the newsletter is sent out periodically to update members | the lamps were periodically switched on and off at 30 minute intervals.

Would someone be willing to explain how I should use this word? I’m incredibly confused – is it even “proper” to use “periodically” so that it means both occasionally and regularly? Or, would it generally be more accepted to just use the common definition (which I assume is the latter)?

I’d appreciate any and all comments and answers! Thanks, everybody!

Best Answer

Here's a dictionary definition that makes the contradiction between the two definitions especially clear (American Heritage):

  1. Having or marked by repeated cycles: periodic oscillations.
  2. Happening or appearing regularly or from time to time: periodic dental checkups; periodic rain showers.

This happens sometimes. Language is sometimes imprecise. If you want to prevent misunderstandings, then take context into account and add clarifying language if necessary.

Let me know if you need examples of how to do that.