Learn English – Phrase or idiom for mentioning an idea/topic the other then can’t stop thinking about


Everyone is familiar with a situation where your conversation partner mentions an idea or a topic that you just can't stop thinking about for days without end.

To quote an economist Robert Lucas Jr.

Is there some action a government could take that would lead the economy to grow[…] once one starts to think about them, it is hard to think about anything else.

In my mother tongue (Slovak), there is a phrase for such an experience, literally translated as "planting a worm in someone's head".

Is there any such phrase/idiom in English?

Planting an idea is a very close substitute, but it communicates a (usually malicious) intent in doing so.

Best Answer

idée fixe "refers to an idea that dominates one's mind especially for a prolonged period"

According to The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians, the term "idée fixe" was coined by French composer Hector Berlioz in 1830, who used it to describe the principal theme of his Symphonie fantastique. That reference goes on to say that, at about the same time, French novelist Honore de Balzac used "idée fixe" in Gobseck to describe an obsessive idea. By 1836, Balzac's more generalized use of the term had carried over into English, where "idée fixe" was embraced as a clinical and literary term for a persistent preoccupation or delusional idea that dominates a person's mind. Nowadays "idée fixe" is also applied to milder and more pedestrian obsessions. - from Merriam-Webster