Learn English – “Preliminary Considerations”


In my thesis I have a part where I provide all the algorithms which I have developed. I want to introduce this part with a chapter containing the literature review regarding these algorithms, introducing the hardware I have worked with, discussing the input data for the algorithms and some other stuff (see below)…

Do you think I can use "Preliminary Considerations" as title for this chapter? I have some doubts due to the alternative meaning of "preliminary" which I would describe as "uncomplete" or "sketchy". Although "Preliminary Considerations" seems to be a proper title, "preliminary" has the taste of "has to be completed in further work".

I hope this makes sense to you.

(Coarse) structure of my thesis:


PART I: Introduction

PART II: Models & Theory

PART III: Algorithms
    Section Literature Review
    Section Related Hardware
    Section Input Data
    Section ...
  Chapter Algo 1
  Chapter Algo N


Best Answer

Preliminary Considerations is fine: its normal connotation in this context would be as a contrast to main or primary considerations, and perhaps also to final considerations. Alternatives could be Background Considerations or just Backgroumd.