Learn English – Preposition IN Vs Preposition ON when writing by an electronic device


It is not clear to me, when to use IN and when to use ON in sentences such as: "Keep it organized on your computer or in a notebook." What about if the gadget selected to write were a Laptop/Palm/Cell-phone/Tablet? Bye.

Best Answer

My name and address database is 'on' my computer, also 'on' my mobile phone. It seems that in all cases where electronic equipment is involved it is 'on'. At least that is the case with me. But I do record some things 'in' a notebook, others 'on' paper. I never write 'on' the wall, though some do, but I have been known to post items 'on' a notice board. Financial data is recorded 'in' a ledger, but sometimes that ledger is held 'on' a computer.

It seems that wherever books are concerned it is 'in', because books can be closed. So I suppose there is a notion of information being inside them.

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