Learn English – “…programs that each perform…” vs “…programs that each performs…”: which is correct


A source says that the word "each" should always be followed by a singular noun, but however I look at it in this sentence it just doesn't seem to fit:

foo [comprises] multiple binary programs that each performs a single task.

Should it be "performs" or "perform"?

Best Answer

Each in phrases like each battery is singular; the verb you use in that cases is singular.

Each battery is in a separate compartment.

Vice versa, in sentences like the following the verb is plural.

They each have their own personality.
Foo comprises multiple binary programs that each perform a single task.

Subject and verb must agree in number; in multiple binary programs that each perform a single task, the subject is multiple binary programs, which is plural, and the verb needs to be plural too (perform).

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