Learn English – Proper title capitalization of parenthesis


How should Capitalizing for example "Exit Music (for a Film)"? Usually in a title the parenthetical phrase serves as subtitle, but in this case it is evidently a continuation, accordingly "for" should be capitalized or not?


Best Answer

Mixing of formats (parenthesis within a title here - which I'd say is very unusual) can lead to a conflict of 'accepted rules' (for which one should almost always read guidelines). Would

Film Exit Music

not work?

There seems to be generally far greater freedom allowed for assembling and punctuating strings within parentheses than for the matrix sentence (or here, matrix sentence-substitute). I've never seen a 'rule' demanding that one must not capitalise the same way as one does in the non-parenthetical material, so I'd not say that your punctuation is wrong. For such a peripheral question, it's unlikely you'll find a single style guide giving any guidance. If you by some miracle find two, the odds are they'll disagree. I do find this five-word title clumsy, however.

Since it's relevant, I'll point out that, in your first line, 'capitalizing' should not be capitalised. That string is also ungrammatical.

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