Learn English – “Provided to us” or “Provided us”


Both the sentences/fragments below appear to be grammatical.

  • Thanks for the help you have provided to us in the planning
  • Thanks for the help you have provided us in the planning

Is there actually any difference? Are both really grammatical? What difference (if any) does to make?

Best Answer

The grammar aspect has been sufficiently addressed by John Lawler in the comments.

There is no difference. One is from a relative clause you have provided help to us and the other is from a relative clause you have provided us help. Relativization removes help, leaving either the prepositional phrase to us or the dative-shifted us (with no preposition). – John Lawler

These ngrams show that there is a slight popularity advantage for the variant without to, both in individual occurrence as in number of ngrams found at all. Dwelling on the popularity for a moment one might also show these ngrams showing the overwhelmingly more popular usage of provided us with. Thus, one could say the most idiomatic wording of your sentence would be this:

Thanks for the help you have provided us with in/during the planning ...

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