Learn English – put the question mark if a question has a parenthetical statement at the end

parenthesesparentheticalspunctuationquestion markwriting-style

What would you have me do (given some factor is a and another factor
is b and some other statement-y thing follows as well — I'm not even sure what to make of the whole thing, not to mention that she said "screw you, you PIG!")?

I suspect the question mark goes at the end as above, but depending on the amount of stuff between the parens, it starts to feel like it should just follow the question part.

Best Answer

The rule with the highest precedence here is that any content within parentheses must be removable without altering the grammar of the surrounding content. If it can't be, then something somewhere needs to be rewritten.

So your suspicion is correct: The question mark goes at the very end, just outside the closing parenthesis.

You are probably also correct that the parenthetical content in this case is straining acceptability.