Learn English – Questions beginning with “How to”


(particularly related to question/answer sites such as this)

Quite often people want to ask "How do I/you… ?"

Maybe to be less personal or to have a generic title, "How to… ?" is chosen instead.
To me this feels quite jarring/incorrect (discussed here: Is a question beginning with "How to" grammatically correct?). Why is this wording so common?

"How does one… ?" might be more appropriate, but could be regarded as too formal or pompous. Is Is there another, better way to ask?

Best Answer

How do you ..? is in fact pretty generic. Of course 'you' could be specific = the addressee, but often it is generic in the manner of French 'on' or German 'man'

Then there is How do we..? which as a generic asks how something is done within a group of people that both you and I belong to, eg. how something is done within the company we both work for.

[Edited section on How do we]