Learn English – “Said objects” or “The said objects”


I've always said things like "If you ate the said candy." and "If you count the said rocks."

I've also heard many people say "If you ate said candy." and "If you count said rocks."

This always sounds to me similar to "If you grab chair." It makes sense sometimes, like in instruction manuals, but you don't hear people say that in real life.

Which one is correct?

Best Answer

When used in this way, said is normally preceded by the. The definite article is, however, sometimes omitted, as in your examples. When a word is omitted, but can be retrieved from a previous part of the text, the feature is known as ‘ellipsis’. In the case of said, it probably occurs mostly in speech, rather than in formal prose, and may sometimes be intended to be amusing. My personal view is that said as used in this way, with or without the, is best avoided. It rarely adds anything useful and almost has the status of a cliché.