Learn English – Saying “tomorrow” vs saying the actual day of the week that tomorrow is


Today is Wednesday and I received an e-mail asking that a task be done on Thursday. After further question the sender did mean Thursday as in tomorrow.

What is the correct way to describe the next day in this situation either saying "tomorrow", "Thursday", or does either one work? Since most of the public including me, usually don't follow rules what is the most common way?

I feel since the sender was being more descriptive by saying Thursday instead of tomorrow they were meaning Thursday of next week.

Best Answer

If I, a native speaker of BrE, receive something on Wednesday that asks for a reply by Thursday, then that means to me "tomorrow". If it needed to mean to me the following Thursday it would have had to say "Thursday week" or to give a precise date.

In the case quoted, I would surmise that the email was actually written or first drafted on Tuesday, at which time there would have been no possible ambiguity in the meaning of "Thursday".