Learn English – “Shade” vs. “shadow”


What are the differences between shade and shadow? Do they have different meanings or can they be used interchangeably?

Let's sit under the shade/shadow.

The cat was afraid of its own shade/shadow.

Best Answer

A shadow is the silhouette cast by an object that blocks a source of light. You can see your shadow on the ground or a wall or whatever you are blocking from the light source. You can make shadow puppets with your hands. A shadow can be cast by any light source such as a candle, a flashlight, an overhead light, a spotlight, or the sun.

Shade is the "darkness" created by a shadow and only really applies to shadows created outside by the sun. Underneath a tree on a sunny day would be "in the shade". Inside a building would be "out of the sun" and not "in the shade." However, under a roof with no walls (like a picnic shelter) would be "in the shade."