Learn English – “She ran… , her nose pressed against the glass” Are the actions simultaneous or consecutive


She ran towards the display, her nose pressed against the glass.

My friend and I don't understand the same thing when reading this sentence, and neither of us can explain why.

To me, it doesn't make sense. The meaning I get is: She ran towards the display with her nose pressed against the glass.

My friend says it's one action after the other, basically: She ran towards the display, and pressed her nose against the glass.

  • Does anybody know which one of us is right? And why?
  • What does this sentence mean, grammatically?

I have some wild theories of my own, with independent and dependent clauses, and different subjects, and… yeah, wild theories…

Best Answer

There is one independent clause

She ran towards the display, ...

followed by a nominative absolute

her nose pressed against the glass.

So called because it describes the action of the subject (nominative) while being syntactically isolated from it (absolute).

The reason that it sounds wrong is because we have no reference for "the glass" other than the display itself. And how can she have her nosed pressed against glass that she hasn't reached yet?