Learn English – “Similarly to” at the beginning of a sentence


I have a follow up question to using "Similarly to" at the beginning of a sentence.

"similarly to" in the sentence beginning
suggests to use "As in".

Does "as in" mean "equally" or just "similar to"?

Example sentence:
"Similarly to DSST, we only use the first 27-channels of the FHOG feature map appended with a gray-scale image for the translational filter of DSSTcpp."

"As in the DSST tracker, we only use the first 27-channels of the FHOG feature map appended with a gray-scale image for the translational filter of DSSTcpp."

The sentence should reflect a similarity, but DSSTcpp is not euqal to DSST.


Best Answer

"As in" doesn't necessarily mean the two things being compared are equals, but it can convey that. The definition of "as": to the same degree, amount, or extent; similarly; equally. So when using "as in", you are essentially saying "[to the same or similar degree] in the DSST tracker".

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