Learn English – Single word for feelings of helplessness/hopelessness


I wish I had a bigger dictionary in my brain.

I'm looking for a word describing a feeling you get when you're stuck in a place you cannot escape.

It would best describe how reality makes you feel when you watch an inspiring movie, video, or TV show. You wish that you could live that life, but know that reality isn't so kind and there is little hope it will be better.

Discouraged doesn't seem quite the right word:

deprived of courage or confidence; uncertain how to act or proceed. (MW/TFD)

It could be used in the following sentence:

That person has such an wonderful life; when I think of my own, I feel _____.

A list of possible fitting words would be splendid. The online thesauruses don't seem to be doing me justice.

Best Answer

In those circumstances, I might feel wistful:

Full of melancholy longing or wishful yearning; characterized by a pensive longing or yearning.(TFD)

or dejected:

Being in low spirits; depressed; cast down in spirits; disheartened (TFD/MW)

Consider, also, melancholy:

a sad thoughtful state of mind; sadness or depression of the spirits; gloom; pensive reflection or contemplation. (TFD)

demoralised, disheartened,despairing, desperate, wretched, forlorn, pessimistic, defeatist, resigned, etc. It really depends on exactly how you do feel.

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