Learn English – Single word for something that is “not yet a fact” but very close


I'm looking for a word that describes something that is not yet a scientifically proven fact, but people intuitively think to be true. The word is not "hypothesis" as I'm not describing The Scientific Method. Also hypothesis implies something that is potentially disprovable. I'm looking for a stronger term. Is there such a word or a phrase?

Here is an example:
"Hard work does not guarantee success".
People think (or know) this to be true even though it's not yet scientifically provable or disprovable. It's a general truth, not a hypothesis or a theory.

Best Answer


From wikipedia:

A truism is a claim that is so obvious or self-evident as to be hardly worth mentioning, except as a reminder or as a rhetorical or literary device, and is the opposite of falsism.
The word may also be used with a different sense in rhetoric, to disguise the fact that a proposition is really just an opinion.
Similarly, stating an accepted truth about life in general can also be called a truism.