Learn English – Single word for “will be able to” / “will have access to”


I am designing an app and there is a part where the users can post some content to a specific group of people.

I have a placeholder prompt on the screen that I say "Tap here and type your post. People in group X will be able to see it". Now, I want to replace "will be able to" with a single word (without losing its meaning) if possible. I've seen "will be able to" vs. "can" and considered using can but "can" also includes the present. If I use "can", it might misguide the user that the content will be available immediately to group X before they actually hit the post button. I need to ensure that the message is clear: the user will type their post and when they post it, group X will have access to it (but I can't say "will see it" because they might not necessarily open the app and read it).

In that manner, is there any single word that I can use in the blank space in the following sentence (or something similar):

"Tap here and type your post. Group X ______ see it."

Best Answer

I don't think there's a perfect single-word to fit that sentence. You may need to rephrase it to something like this:

Tap here and type your post. [Once it's posted,] group X [may] see it.

Or even shorten it:

Tap here and type. [Once posted,] group X [may] see it.


modal verb
1.a Used for saying that there is a possibility that something is true or that something will happen
1.b (formal) Used for saying that it is possible to do something in a particular way

In the rephrased version, you can even use can.

Tap here and type. Once posted, group X can see it.

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