Learn English – Single-word request: something like “inappropriately and embarrassingly public”


I'm writing a story about a guy who is really fussed about his appearance. I'd like to describe him as having a relationship with his mirror, and I'd like to describe this relationship using a single adjective, or maybe two, if I can make them flow together nicely in the sentence. But I can't think of one that captures what I'm trying to say.

I'm trying to impart that his relationship is unseemly, something that should be kept private but that he makes embarrassingly public, like an inappropriate public display of affection between lovers. I've been all over my thesaurus but can't find a word that really nails it.

Best Answer

adjective in·de·co·rous (ˌ)in-ˈde-k(ə-)rəs; ˌin-di-ˈkȯr-əs\ Definition of INDECOROUS

: not decorous : conflicting with accepted standards of good conduct or good taste — in·de·co·rous·ly adverb — in·de·co·rous·ness noun


His indecorous relationship with his mirror publicly displayed his vanity.

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