Learn English – “supervisor” vs. “mentor”


In master's theses it is common to state two people who oversaw or should have overseen the project.

It is common that only one of these engaged himself with the student's work.
At my university these two are the same who decide the final grade of the work.

If only one of them was regularly supporting you in your work and the other just participates in the grade-finding, does this this justify the use of the word "mentor" and if so, could both be stated "mentors" on paper ?

Or let's put it easier. Would you call these two within your thesis at the site they are just listed "mentors" or "supervisors" ?

thanks a lot.

Best Answer

I'm assuming you're fully capable of figuring out the difference between a mentor and a supervisor. In the situation you've described it's definitely more descriptive to refer to one individual as a mentor and the other as supervisor. In application you should follow whatever is conventional within the context of the institution. If the role the 'supervisor' is filling is generally referred to as mentor then that is the name of the role; regardless of how well the word describes the reality.

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