Learn English – Synonym for character (as in a person in a book)


A story normally consists of several characters (i.e. the protagonist, the antagonist, and so forth), but is there a good synonym for the word character? I've often used "people", but it seems overly general.

Best Answer

You can try 'personage', or 'figure'.

If you were to refer to the cast in general, maybe you could use 'dramatis personae', although that seems a bit grand / presumptuous.

For example, if you were writing a sordid piece of tabloid gossip, then 'dramatis personae' won't lend you a patina of respectability. Instead it looks overdone, like gaudy cheap jewelry. :D

On the other hand, if it was a review of a stage play or a novel, then dramatis personae is acceptable, though a bit heavy and somber (which may or may not be what you want).