Learn English – Synonyms for the “not…but…” construction


I am looking for proper alternatives to the "notbut…" construction, which is used to refute an assumption and draw attention to a new point. Example:

The park was known not for its amenities, but for its location.

It could be rephrased like this:

The park was not known for its amenities; it was known for its location.

but this sentence doesn't contain all of the nuance of the original.

Is there an interesting way to rephrase my example sentence, while still retaining the emphatic effect of "notbut…"?

My reason for this request: I've used this construction numerous times in a piece of writing, and repetitious structures can bore the reader. I am trying to switch my sentences up.

Best Answer

The park was known for its location rather than its amenities.

rather than- used for saying that one thing is preferred to another or happens instead of another

Doug chose to quit rather than admit that he’d made a mistake.

Rather than criticizing your husband, why not find out if there’s something wrong?

We want the matter settled sooner rather than later.McMillan