Single-Word Requests – Synonyms for Vomit


I am trying to find a synonym for the word "vomit" in its noun form. There are plenty of words used to express the action of ejecting matter from the stomach, but the only word I can find that refers to the actual material ejected is "vomit". I was hoping for a more formal word, but that seems near to impossible since I cannot even find informal ways to say it. I specifically am describing a murder in nineteenth century England which involves a poison that causes muscle spasms (and vomiting).

I checked,,, and Google's dictionary, but the only word provided was "vomit". Any ideas?

Best Answer

It's not unheard of to nounify a verb so you might be able to use:

Puke: He was found lifeless, lying in a pool of his own puke.

Upchuck: The volume of upchuck was astounding...who could possibly have so much food and liquid in their stomach at one time?

And kinda related...bile. The liquid, non-food specific stomach acid that is sometimes ejected after a person has no more food in their stomach but the spasms continue to push out the contents of the stomach.

Per MW-Online's definition of vomit:


barf, gag, heave, hurl, vomit, retch, spew, spit up, throw up, upchuck...of these, the following can be used in a nounified version: barf, spit up, throw up, (and as mentioned above, upchuck)

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