Learn English – “Tenants” of an argument


I'm looking for a word that I thought was "tenants to an argument", but when I search for the definition of "tenant" or "tenants arguments" I get links to landlords and disputes.


What is the correct word I'm looking for that describes the units of persuasion that consists of a counterpoint in a persuasive discussion?


Morally, intellectually, and economically, I want people who make less
than $250,000 (+/- 100 thousand) to be taxed less than those who make
more than $250K. Good for him for being taxed in whatever angle you
slice it. Hillary didn't pay enough.

My rationale is based in macro economics and not arbitrary spite,
misinformation, or not liking how someone wags their finger. USA is
totally f***, due to the distribution of wealth and propaganda
through consolidation of media. Democracy is over. Trickle down
failed. We're an oligarchy of the rich. For better or worse, I believe
Sanders is our last chance at reclaiming one person one vote. All
arguments, and persuasions I have start from this tenant. If we can't
find common ground w/each other on this issue, there is no reason to
discuss further.

Best Answer

You are looking for tenet (Oxford Learner’s Dictionary):

one of the principles or beliefs that a theory or larger set of beliefs is based on

one of the basic/central tenets of Christianity

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