Learn English – Terminology for a “group selfie”


A selfie is a kind of casual self-portrait. People often take selfies that include a significant other or multiple friends, and I’m curious whether there is any established terminology or slang for this kind of “group selfie.”

The linked Wikipedia article indicates that they are simply known as “group selfies,” but I suspect that there may be an older or better established term. I’m also curious whether there are specific terms for “couple selfies” featuring a significant other or best friend. Formal English, slang, and jargon terms are all acceptable.

Best Answer

The few sources out there seem to prefer the term "X" Selfie, where X is replaced by family, group, etc.

Unfortunately, there does not seem to be any real consensus, except that a true selfie is more of a snapshot than an artful application. There are some who would claim a selfie must be taken at arms length and not with a mirror or self-timer, but this remains a matter of debate (see comments below!)

Perhaps, the more important distinction falls between a self-portrait vs. a selfie. A self-portrait in most usage implies forethought and artfulness. A selfie is an attempt to record oneself in a place or time. In theory, you could make an artful selfie, but you'd be plundering the territory of self-portraits.

Interestingly, Canon, the camera manufacturer does even not have a terminology for the usage of a self-timer to take a group photo. They refer to using the self-timer to take "self-portraits or pictures of you with friends and family".

Here is the source speaking about the self-timer function in their cameras.