Learn English – that feeling…


How will a hypothetical 22 year old feel if he has developed some romantic sentiment for a young person (classmate) aged 20, but she unknowingly said that 'I will be your sister always.'

Context: This is very much a generic case. It is very common in India (especially among classmates) to say 'I will be your brother/sister' which basically means there is no chance of any romance. In this case this person had not even started to express his sentiment, but it is already finished. How will he feel? I have considered some common words like disappointment

sadness or displeasure caused by the non-fulfilment of one's hopes or expectations.

Source: Google

…but I am yet to get that word that feels 'just right' to express how he will be feeling.

What is a single word or phrase for that feeling?

Model sentence for SWR:

In this situation he felt ____ (adjective/noun)

Other ideas are also welcome, as in phrases or idioms.

Best Answer

It is to be sad and disappointed in one go.

1. dejected; dispirited; discouraged.

Other options include:

sad and depressed

1. depressed in spirits; disheartened; low-spirited

displeased due to a failing in expectations

adjective 1. depressed or discouraged by the failure of one's hopes or expectations
to defeat the fulfillment of (hopes, plans, etc.); thwart; frustrate