Learn English – the adjective for someone who pretends


Here's the sentence: He's pretending that he didn't know anything. He is _____.

What is the adjective for someone who pretends? Pretender is a noun. Is it pretentious? But the meaning of it is:

pretentious /pri-ˈten(t)-shəs/


1: characterized by pretension: such as

  • making usually unjustified or excessive claims (as of value or

    the pretentious fraud who assumes a love of culture that is alien to
    him — Richard Watts

  • expressive of affected, unwarranted, or exaggerated importance, worth, or stature

    pretentious language pretentious houses

: making demands on one's skill, ability, or means : ambitious

the pretentious daring of the Green Mountain Boys in crossing the lake — Amer. Guide Series: Vt.

pretentiously adverb

pretentiousness noun

Source: https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/pretentious

Best Answer

Feign [feyn]/ verb (used with object)

  1. to represent fictitiously; put on an appearance of: to feign sickness.

  2. to invent fictitiously or deceptively, as a story or an excuse.

  3. to imitate deceptively: to feign another's voice.

verb (used without object)

  1. to make believe; pretend:

Source: Dictionary.com

He's pretending that he didn't know anything. He is feigning ignorance.