Learn English – The best word to describe “not easy to fall”


Based on my research, I have several options (all of them come with problem).

  • Stable (I don't want to have 'resist to change' meaning)
  • Firm (I don't want to have 'resist to change' & 'standing still' meaning)
  • Steady (I don't want to have 'standing still' meaning)

I want to describe something that moves, but not easy to fall/stop by outside stimulus.

Best Answer

Perhaps a two-word phrase that aptly modifies "stability" and captures the concept succinctly i.e., DYNAMIC STABILITY

Q: What is the definition of dynamic stability in human movement? We say a state is stable, what then is dynamic stability?

A: Equilibrium means moving without acceleration. Balance is the control of equilibrium. Stability is the resistance to perturbation.

dynamic stability

Link to article: Assessing the stability of human locomotion: a review of current measures

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