Learn English – the difference between “aloof” and “standoffish”


The meaning of aloof in the dictionary is: not friendly or forthcoming.

The definition for standoffish is: distant and cold in manner.

What is the difference between these two words? To me they look the same.

Best Answer

Standoffish has more of a negative connotation, the subject being unsocial or even contemptuous (OED), whereas aloof means simply apart or at a distance.

Raymond Chandler uses both words in his personal correspondence:

"I am standoffish with strangers..." (1 Jan 1948)

"What on earth happended between this rather cool, aloof woman and me?" (3 Feb 1958)

An example of aloofian separateness in a poem by Paul Muldoon, "Princess and the Pea":

"Her lying there, extravagant, aloof / Like cream on milk."