Learn English – the difference between complacency and condescension


Sometimes I get confused between complacency and condescension, thinking they are the same thing. I am trying to understand the difference.

Both seem to be attributes of a person who is more confident than others, or think less of others.

It seems to me that acting in a condescending manner and acting complacent are very much alike, although complacency seems to be a little bit more about carelessness than smugness.

Can someone explain what is the difference between these two?
How can I recognize that someone is acting some way or the other?

Best Answer

I don't see the words as being extremely similar.

Smug is exhibiting or feeling great or offensive satisfaction with oneself or with one's situation; self-righteously complacent, where synonyms are self-satisfied, superior, complacent, conceited, self-righteous, holier-than-thou, priggish, self-opinionated. The stress is on the self-righteous attitude accompanying being pleased with oneself.

While I know that complacent means satisfied with how things are and not wanting to change them, I think the connotation is one of unawareness of actual dangers or deficiencies in oneself or something one is a member of, for example, a political party or a church

I think, for example, that much of the world has become complacent about AIDS. We just don't worry about it as we once did.

Condescending means showing or characterized by a patronizing or superior attitude toward others, showing that you believe you are more intelligent or better than other people.