Learn English – the difference between “lean” and “incline”


I know that lean and incline's meanings are similar, but I cannot understand in which context each is used.

With profits continuing to fall amid rising costs, high interest rates and growth hitting a lean patch, SVM Inc is conserving its earning by paying less to shareholders.


The terrain inclined down.

Can anyone explain it?

Best Answer

While it's true that 'lean' and 'incline' do share a definition in common, it isn't the only definition.

In particular, for your cited examples, you'll want to pay attention to the second adjective listing of Lean on this page, and in particular, the third definition provided:

3 - lacking in richness, fullness, quantity, etc.; poor: a lean diet; lean years.

The 'lean patch' in question refers not to a 'downhill' patch, but rather, to a period of reduced profitability - i.e., 'lacking in richness'.

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