Learn English – The difference between using a comma or a full stop


What's the difference between "I see, I see" and "I see. I see"? Can one use a comma in between?

The first sentence could be used in formal writing, right?

What about this one: "My house, my rules" instead of "My house. My rules"? What's the difference between these two sentences and are both grammatically correct?

Best Answer

Firstly, a period or 'full stop' signals the end of a sentence, i.e., a complete statement or idea that is independent.

"I see. I see"

Two individual sentences. Two thoughts. That they are identical is merely incidental. Here it is either a simple repetition or, esp. in speech, depending on intonation, a very different pair of ideas conveyed.

"I see, I see"

One sentence. One thought. The second occurrence reinforces ("Have no doubt, I confirm."), modifies, (per intonation, cf. above) or restates differently to complete the expression.

The reasoning is more reflective in the second example.

"My house, my rules" vs. "My house. My rules"

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