Learn English – the difference between values and principles


I am attempting to understand the use of values and principles in organizational communication.

According to Merriam-Webster values are defined as

  • the amount of money that something is worth
  • the price or cost of something something that can be bought for a low or fair price
  • usefulness or importance

And principles are defined as

  • a moral rule or belief that helps you know what is right and wrong
    and that influences your actions
  • a basic truth or theory : an idea that forms the basis of something
  • a law or fact of nature that explains how something works or why
    something happens

Blogs such BrokenMindSet and EnergizedWork describe them differently as are the terms when searching online.

For example, these are some of the principles that can be found by searching online

  • Operation efficiency
  • Retain and grow revenue
  • Establish barriers to competition

These are examples of values

  • Customer-centric
  • Accountability
  • Integrity

How do i use these terms in organizational conversations?

  • How does one differentiate between principles and values?
  • How do you define principles and what would be examples of these?
  • How do you define values and what would be examples of these?

Best Answer

Values are things that give us the sense of right and wrong whereas principles are rules of any subject or area. We live our lives following values. For example:

'Being honest' and 'speaking the truth' are values.

'Gravity'is a principle of physics.