Learn English – the English for the Swedish word ‘snippa’


This report appeared in yesterday's Observer – page 22.

Little boys have a word for theirs. Now Swedish girls do too….

It begins: I only ever speak English to our three-year-old daughter, and my wife only speaks Swedish to her. The one exception is the word snippa. It’s Swedish for a girl’s genitals, the female equivalent of snopp, meaning “willy”, and I can’t find an English word that does the job.

What is the equivalent English word?

Best Answer

I think the first thing to say is that an answer to this question will be influenced by geographical location.

US and UK English culture for example are often different with regard to this type of nomenclature as are different areas and subcultures within those countries.

I made a google search for polite words for vagina and found this British discussion that may be of interest. Clearly no-one has yet come up with a definitive answer.

'noonie' is one that I have heard.

from Mumsnet:
