Learn English – the etymology of “replenish”


Where does the word "replenish" come from, and what does it mean? I know it is used as a form of "refill", but is that how it was originally?

Best Answer

It means (according to my trusty New Webster's Encyclopedic Dictionary):

  1. to make full or complete again
  2. to supply with fresh fuel
  3. to fill again or anew
  4. (intransitively) to become full or complete again

According to another dictionary (the one built-in in Mac OS X), the origin of the word can be traced to Old French (and further to Latin, of course), as follows:

ORIGIN late Middle English (in the sense [supply abundantly] ): from Old French repleniss-, lengthened stem of replenir, from re- ‘again’ (also expressing intensive force) + plenir ‘fill’ (from Latin plenus ‘full’ ).

Based on that, I don't think it has had other meanings in English earlier. As to why should one use this word instead of the less fancy refill – I have no idea, except perhaps to show off & try to sound educated.

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