Learn English – The exact meaning of “Enquiries Over $xxx,xxx”


I often see "Enquiries Over $xxx,xxx" in real estate ads, e.g. "Enquiries Over $500,000".

Does the "over" literally mean offers should be above the figure (or don't bother approaching the seller), or "around" the figure (i.e. the figure is provided as a guideline, not a minimum)?

Does the same apply to "Negotiate Over"?

Please note that it is the exact meaning of the phrase I am asking, not enquiry / negotiation tactics.

Best Answer

"Enquiries Over $xxx,xxx" means that the seller will not consider offers under the stated amount. In New Zealand, they apparently take this seriously. Go here for a story that uses the term about a real estate agent fined for advertising a property at "Enquiries over $380K" when he knew the seller wouldn't let the property go for under $400K.

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