Learn English – the historical English word for graffiti


Given that graffiti has existed even before the Italian loanword became commonplace, what is the traditional English word to describe it?

The closest I can imagine would be "epigraph", however, this does not convey the illicit or vandal intent.

Best Answer

In the 19th century, the term graffiti was confined to art history and literature and stood for scribbling.

  • Judging from the inscriptions scratched upon the walls of the rooms, it was chiefly frequented by gladiators. These rude inscriptions are called “graffiti " by the Italians. Signor Fiorelli has published a valuable comment upon them. [...] Such “graffiti” are constantly found at Pompei, and are amongst the most curious illustrations of the customs and every-day life of its inhabitants. (Littell's Living Age, Volume 81, 1884)

Before "graffiti" became a common-place term, expressions such as obscene drawings and indecent carvings were used in the 19th century.

  • Indecent drawings and carvings cover the walls and desks of some school rooms, while disgusting odors from filthy and indecent appendages saturate the atmosphere in which the children are expected to breath and learn; (Maine 1862)

  • It takes all the ambition out of him. While speaking of school houses, we desire to call attention to the subject of obscene drawings upon the school-houses and adjoining buildings. To such an extent has this become, positively disgusting to all ... (New Hampshire 1865)

  • Cases have been known in which, through neglect on the part of the corporation, there was a family for almost every room; while the walls of the halls were covered with indecent drawings and scribblings (1865)

  • I am convinced that there is much ground for this excuse, for I find many of the school houses, and the surrounding fences and out-buildings, marked with obscene carvings and writings, while many of the children are shockingly vulgar and ... (New York 1867)

  • In reference to this we would say, that no marks are to be found on the walls or furniture of the school-room last ... if we except the crude drawings made by the scholars on the walls and benches, and the initials and autographs of those ... (Massachusetts 1876)

  • It appears, however, to be literally true, from family tradition, that he commenced in the nursery, and that the coarse drawings on its walls and the rough sketches in his school-books,... (USA 1881)

  • The Act authorizes a by-law for preventing the posting of indecent placards, writings, or pictures, or the writing of indecent words, or the making of indecent pictures or drawings, on walls or fences in streets or public places. (Ontario 1882)