Learn English – the meaning of “bedshaped”


I was listening to a song called 'Bedshaped' by the English band 'Keane'. But, I couldn't find any meaning of it from any dictionaries. Maybe I can guess, but I would like to make sure about this. What do you think about the meaning?
And, also, 'legs of stone' got me confused.

Here are the lyrics below.

You'll follow me back
With the sun in your eyes
And on your own
And legs of stone
You'll knock on my door
And up we'll go
In white light
I don't think so
But what do I know?
What do I know?
I know!

Best Answer


… in hospital when someone is ill and has to spend a lot of time in bed they can become 'bedshaped'. It sounds a bit depressing (...) but in the context of the song I wanted to suggest old age and frailty(...)


The word 'bedshaped' - I don't know if it's a made up word, but my mum's always talking about people being bedshaped, just from spending too much time being bed-ridden basically. It's quite a sad image of someone stuck there, stuck in a bed, until they become completely useless and start to lose their humanity. But just that idea of crumbling and being really frail and decrepid is something that eventually happens to everyone. That, I guess was the basis for the song in a way. So whatever happens when you're younger, even if you go off in search of glamour and ambitious and exciting things; once you get to your really old age, you've got all that side of life that just disappears.

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