Learn English – the military term for fighting the enethe without permission


What is the military term for fighting the enemy without permission?

'Insubordinate conduct' is the term given to disobeying orders but this is too general as it can mean failing to carry out an order to do something.

What I'm looking for is a term that has similar connotations as 'vigilantism' but in a military context. Similar connotations meaning trying to take affairs into one's own hands – but in this case in a military context.

I thought of militancy but that word is usually used to describe people who fight against their own authority / government – not against the common enemy ……

Best Answer

Unauthorized engagement (of the enemy) is the term I would use.

Fighting the enemy in military terms is frequently referred to as engaging the enemy. Without permission, it would be an unauthorized action.

Vigilantism could be applied to this sort of action, too. But, I agree that usually comes with a sense of justice attached to it.

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