Learn English – the name for someone who gives his subordinates a morale boost


What do you call someone who, merely by their presence, gives a morale boost to the people he is responsible for? What about someone who gains power from being supported by their troop?

If possible I would like to have word with military connotation, but a more "civilian" approach is also interesting.

EDIT: Jez gave a lot of interesting examples, but I am also interested in nouns, and all of Jez's example can't be "translated" into nouns that easily.

Best Answer

In terms of giving a morale boost, one could refer to an inspirational or totemic leader. As a noun, a leader could simply be described as an inspiration, although this is a broad term that can refer to any inspiration. If someone gains power/morale from being supported by their troop, they can be said to have been rallied by the troop, and in return they can rally their troop. As you suggested, the leader could also be motivated by their troops, or motivate their troops.

In a civilian as opposed to a military context, there are all sorts of positive adjectives one might wish to assign a good leader who boosts their people's morale. Some of these could be competent, charismatic, and charming. A great leader may become famous and/or celebrated.