Learn English – the name for the flat attire worn over the shoulders at academic graduations


An example of the specific article of interest is the flat, light blue item worn by each individual in the below photo:

Graduation photo from illinois.edu

(Photo source: http://graduation.aces.illinois.edu/sites/graduation.aces.illinois.edu/themes/sitetheme/templates/images/Graduation-Large-Box-01.jpg, accessed 21 Feb 2016)

It does not appear to fit the definition of a sash or baldric or shoulder belt (these three drawn from this English.SE question), but I may be interpreting the definitions of these too strictly.

Best Answer

Graduation stole or academic stole:

A stole takes the form of a cloth scarf-like garment worn over the shoulders adorned with the awarding Society's colours and/or insignia. Though not a part of officially recognised American Council on Education's Academic Costume Code, it has become common as part of the graduation attire at many high schools, colleges, and universities.

Here's a photo from the same page with the graduation stole highlighted:

enter image description here By Valedictorian_Joint-Chiefs-of-Staff.jpg: Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staffderivative work: Themightyquill - This file was derived from  Valedictorian Joint-Chiefs-of-Staff.jpg:, CC BY 2.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=20548944


Apparently, the term graduation sash is common too:

The colors of graduation hoods, cap tassels and stoles, also called graduation sashes, are governed by traditions from the Middle Ages, reports the American Council on Education, or ACE. [ehow.com]

However, a sash typically goes diagonally across the body, like what pageant queens wear (see WBT's comment below). Sticking to stole is the safest thing to do.