Learn English – the name of this rhyme scheme: ABABCCDDC


What is the name of this rhyme scheme:


A list of (other) rhyme schemes can be found here.

An example can be found on this page.

Sweet Destiny by Jan Turner (stanza 1)

Oh destiny, sweet destiny,

Come silent in the night,

And teach my spirit how to see

Within tomorrow's light.

I know I'll strive to do what's best

For humankind's eternal quest. . .

I know I'll strive

I know I'll strive

Oh destiny to meet the test.

Best Answer

This is a Ronsardian Ode and was named after Pierre de Ronsard:

Ronsardian Ode

The Ronsardian ode (named after Pierre de Ronsard 1524-1585) is the only kind of ode that specifies a particular rhyming scheme – ababccddc, with syllable counts of 10, 4, 10, 4, 10, 10, 4, 4, 8.


Also cited here, in a thread on poetrymagnumopus:

The Ronsardian Ode is the creation of a deaf, French poet Pierre de Ronsard (1524-1585). He was known as the Prince of Poets, a "romance" poet. Ronsard's work is musical, sensuous and pagan. Interesting that he was cleric in minor orders and yet his poems focused more on the beauties and sorrows of his loves than spiritual matters.The structure of this stanzaic form is specific, like the Keatsian Ode it follows a uniform stanzaic pattern. It is its unique pattern that sets it apart.

The elements of the Ronsardian Ode are:

stanzaic, written in any number of 9 line stanzas.
syllabic, 10-4-10-4-10-10-4-4-8 syllables per line.
rhymed, rhyme scheme ababccddc.
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