Single-Word Requests – Opposite of ‘To Stink’


Specifically I'm looking for an antonym of the infinitive rather than the noun. For example, "fragrance" is an antonym of "stink" (the noun), but you can't say "Wow, that fragrants" or "Wow that fragrances" in the way you can say "Wow that stinks".

Best Answer

I don't think there's a single verb available in English which is the exact opposite of "To stink". With exact opposite I mean as in that it can be used the same way with opposed-meaning sentences (like "I love you" vs "I hate you").

On my NOAD I found this example "That's a lovely scent you're wearing". There is also the expression "to smell good", although I guess (since I'm not a native speaker) they may not fit all situations and contexts, as in formal/informal, so about this I'd like some native speaker to give contribution.

Finally, I found to perfume, which means "to make the air in a place smell pleasant", but I didn't suggest this one because it's especially used with flowers as in "The garden was perfumed with the smell of roses."

If I find more, I'll make sure to include it.