Learn English – the opposite of “upsell”


The dictionary defines the verb "upsell" as such:

Main Entry: upsell

Definition: to try to
persuade a customer to buy a more expensive item or to buy a related
additional product at a discount

It's a fairly common word that gets used a lot in most retail trades.

But the dictionary does not list "downsell" as its opposite. However, it seems to me that the concept of upselling does have a clear opposite concept. i.e. Trying to persuade a customer to buy a cheaper item or fewer items.

Granted, there are fewer situations where this would be used, but I wonder why the word does not exist, and whether there is another word that could be used in its place.

Best Answer

I have in fact encountered the word downsell, in colloquial and semi-formal contexts: insurance salesmen and financial advisors use it in discussing the need to dissuade clients from purchasing financial products with attractive "features" but dubious benefits.

He was convinced that the universal policy would guarantee his retirement, and it took a lot of downselling to show him he could accomplish the same thing with a convertible term policy that fit his current budget without the risk.

Upselling is deprecated by sophisticated salespeople in the insurance industry, because it's typically a one-off sale, with a greater risk of lapse. Downselling leads to longer-sustained relationships, which are ultimately more remunerative for both the agent and, they believe (or at least maintain), the client.