Learn English – the opposite to filter/filtering in search


I have multiple search criteria, for example country and city.

To filter (exclude results not matching the criteria), I can do: country=xxx AND city=xxx. But I can also do: country=xxx OR city=xxx. So how would you call the operation that is not excluding the results but instead broaden them? Is there some fitting verb for it like filter?



Accepted answer is probably easier to understand to any web user. However, for anybody interested, the more technical version of answer is: filter vs. join or combine.

Thanks again all for help!

Best Answer

Expand is used when you try to increase the number of search results as it means:

To increase the extent, number, volume or scope of (something).

Narrow is used when you try to decrease it.

To reduce in width or extent; to contract. "We need to narrow the search."

This link shows how these 2 verbs are used.

"Expand or narrow your search using these examples"